Recent Acceptances
Bergen County Academies Admissions Results​
This year (for the Autumn 2024 admissions), *95% of the students who prepared in our Bergen County Academies Prep Program (BCA, Hackensack campus) passed the first phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria) and got the interview invitation letter! (*rounded from 94.7%) The top 4 academies The Masters Prep students got accepted into this year are AMST(13), AAST(10), ABF(8), and ATCS(8). 16 students got accepted into the BCTS-Teterboro campus (No student got accepted into BCA(Hackensack) and BT(Teterboro) at the same time.) The above acceptance numbers are not final and may increase a bit.
This year (for the Autumn 2023 admissions), 94.5%* of the students who prepared in our Bergen County Academies Prep Program (BCA, Hackensack campus) passed the first phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria) and got the interview invitation letter! After the second phase (interview), our *49 students got accepted into the Bergen County Academies (Hackensack). The top 4 academies The Masters Prep students got accepted into this year are AMST(13), ABF(10), AAST(8), and ATCS(7). 16 students got accepted into the BCTS-Teterboro campus. Our students in the 2022-23 BCA Prep course are from 58 towns in Bergen County.
For the Autumn 2022 admissions, 91%* of the students who prepared in our Bergen County Academies Prep Program (BCA, Hackensack campus) passed the first phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria) and got the interview invitation letter! 63 % of the students passed the second phase (interview) and got accepted to the Bergen County Academies (Hackesnack). We have separate admissions data for the BCTS-Teterboro campus. (*rounded from 90.9%)
For the Autumn 2021 admissions, 91% of the students who prepared in our Bergen County Academies Prep Program (BCA, Hackensack campus) passed the first phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria) and got the interview invitation letter! 66% of the students passed the second phase (interview) and got accepted to the Bergen County Academies (Hackesnack). We have separate admissions data for the BCTS-Teterboro campus.
For the Autumn 2020 admissions, 89% of the students who prepared in our Bergen County Academies Prep Program (BCA, Hackensack campus) passed the first phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria) and got the interview invitation letter! 67% of the students passed the second phase (interview) and got accepted to the Bergen County Academies (Hackesnack). We have separate admissions data for the BCTS-Teterboro campus.
For the Autumn 2019 admissions, *93% of the students who prepared in our Bergen County Academies (BCA, Hackensack campus) passed the first phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria) and got the interview invitation letter! (*rounded from 92.7%) About 71% of those students passed Phase 2 (Interview) and got accepted to the Bergen County Academies (Hackensack). We have separate admissions data for the BCTS-Teterboro campus.
For the fall 2018 admissions, *85% of the students in our Bergen County Academies (BCA, Hackensack) prep course passed the first Phase (Entrance Exam and other academic criteria). (*Rounded from 84.8%) 64% of those students passed Phase 2 (Interview) and got accepted to the school. We have separate admissions data for the BCTS-Teterboro campus.
Congratulations, accepted students!
For the fall 2017 admissions, 80% of the students in our Bergen County Academies (BCA or BA) prep course passed the first Phase (Entrance Exam and other academic qualifications), and 75% of those students passed Phase 2 (Interview) and got accepted to the school. (We have separate admissions data for the BCTS-Teterboro campus.)
Congratulations, accepted students!
​For the fall 2016 admissions, 88% of the students in our Bergen County Academies prep course passed Phase 1 (Entrance Exam) of the application process, and 70% of those students passed Phase 2 (Interview) and got accepted to the school. (We have uploaded the articles regarding how to get into the Bergen County Academies. The Masters Prep published from September 2015 to February 2016 in the educational section of a local magazine. To read the articles, please click Bergen Academies Prep​​​​​​​​​​​​.)
Congratulations, accepted students!
​For the 2015-16 admissions, 91% of the students in our Bergen County Academies prep course passed Phase 1 (Entrance Exam) of the application process, and 67% of those students passed Phase 2 (Interview) and got accepted to the school.
Congratulations, accepted students!
JHMMC results (formerly known as Bergen County Academies Math Competition)
In the 2022 JHMMC helo on October 16 Sunday, five 8th graders received honorable mentions awards; two 8th graders received top 5 girls awards; and one 8th grader received top 10 overall award.
In the 2020 JHMMC held on October 18 Sunday, seven 8th graders received awards; 1 Gold awardee, 2 Silver awardees, and 5 Bronze awardees.
In the 2019 JHMMC held on October 13 Sunday, Tony Kim was ranked #3 in 7th grade. Congratulations, Tony!
In the 2018 JHMMC held on October 14 Sunday, Nikhil Mudumbi was ranked #4 in 8th grade, Aiden Hyun was ranked #5 in the 6th grade. Congratulations, Nikhil and Aiden! Justin Hwang and Justin Kim both were ranked #13 (tie) in 7th grade, and John Park was ranked 16th in 7th grade. Tony Kim was ranked 11th in 6th grade.
In the 2017 JHMMC held on October 15 Sunday, Juni Kim was ranked #6 in 6th grade, Yonjae Kim was ranked #7 in the 5th grade. Congratulations, Juni and Yonjae!
In the 2016 JHMMC held on October 9 Sunday, Juni Kim was ranked #4 in 5th grade, Jia Chen was ranked #5 in the 4th grade. Congratulations, Juni and Jia!
In the 2015 JHMMC held on October 11 Sunday, Andrew Krapivin received an award for being one of the top 10 scorers in 8th grade, Nayoon Koh received an award for being one of the top 5 girls in 7th grade, and three other Masters Prep students were placed within top 10 girls in 8th grade. (top 10 girls were not officially announced) Congratulations, Andrew and Nayoon!
National Mathematics & Science Competition (NMSC 2016)
In the 2018 National Mathematics & Science Competition (NMSC 2018) held on April 7, 2018, Jaejoon Kim won the first place award in the New Jersey chapter.
In the 2016 National Mathematics & Science Competition (NMSC 2016) held on April 9, 2016, Juni Kim won the first place award in the New Jersey chapter and the 2nd place in the nation, claiming the National Ranking #2, and NJ State Ranking #1.
AMC10 (American Mathematics Competitions 10)
*Since 2022, we have not publicized the AMC 10/12 test results. Our students' results can be found at AMC Statistics (maa.org).
In February 2021, Chloe Jung (9th grade) and Anthony Kim (8th grade) participated in AMC10 (American Mathematics Competitions 10) and finished top 2.5%, qualifying for the AIME (The American Invitational Mathematics Examination).
In February 2020, Anthony Kim (7th grade) participated in AMC10 (American Mathematics Competitions 10) and finished top 2.5%, qualifying for the AIME (The American Invitational Mathematics Examination).
In February 2017, Andrew Krapivin participated in AMC10 (American Mathematics Competitions 10) and finished top 2.5%, qualifying for the AIME (The American Invitational Mathematics Examination).
In February 2016, Andrew Krapivin participated in AMC10 (American Mathematics Competitions 10) and scored 112.5, qualifying for the AIME (The American Invitational Mathematics Examination).
In February 2015, Yipei Tang participated in AMC 10 (American Mathematics Competitions 10) finished in the top 2.5% of the test, qualifying for the AIME (The American Invitational Mathematics Examination).
AMC8 (American Mathematics Competitions 8)
In the AMC8 administered in November 2019, Tony Kim (7th grade) got 24, and the other students received competitive scores.
In the AMC8 administered in November 2018, Nikhil Mudumbi (8th grade) got 23, Justin Hwang (7th grade) got 21, Tony Kim (6th grade) got 19, and the other students received competitive scores.
Major College Acceptances
Our students have been accepted at the following colleges almost every year.
Babson College, Boston University, Boston College, Brown University, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, MIT, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, NYU, George Washington University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Rutgers University, Yale University, and many more
Major Private Secondary School Acceptances
Our students have been accepted at the following private high schools.
Philips Exeter, Philips Andover, Choate, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Kent, St. Paul’s, St. Mark’s, Milton, Groton, Loomis Chaffee, Hills, NMH, Peddie, Blair, Avon Old Farms, Horace Mann, Spence School, Collegiate School, Lawrenceville, Suffield, Millbrook, Salisbury, Regis, Holy Angels, Dwight-Englewood, and many more.